“What a helpful, revealing and engaging experience coaching with Luke has been. He has a creative, inspiring and gently provocative way of getting into all the corners. He helpfully explores the things that make you tick and why. It didn’t take me long to realise that it was something worth investing in.”

Digital Director

“Coaching with Luke gave me valuable insights into my unhelpful habits of thought (Inner Saboteurs) which were acting as barriers to getting on with major life decisions I had been putting off. His input helped me to make some key decisions concerning my business and future life directions.”

University Professor

“Thank you for opening up a whole new way of looking at things. I had some mediocre coaching in the past but you took me much deeper and were brave in not accepting the bluster and excuses I tried to give you – or rather gave myself – for why I wouldn’t tackle some big issues. I am definitely going to recommend you to others.”

HR Director

Luke is a brilliant coach. I was immediately inspired by his natural ability to coach. I have been coached by him many times and every time was impressed by his unique capacity to quickly identify the key issues, make you aware of what’s holding you back and gently move you towards action and commitment. In a very short period of time, he helped me figure out solutions for problems that had been bothering me for a long time. By asking powerful questions and invoking deep reflection, he helps you see things from new perspectives, with more clarity and wisdom. I would highly recommend him as a coach!

Consultant, Executive Coach, Harvard MBA

“Luke is challenging in the best way - for a ‘know it all’ like me, it is always refreshing, engaging, inspiring. Luke helps to get to the nub of an issue quickly with practical ways of moving forwards and making a change for the better”

Senior Executive, Government agency

“As a Sole Practitioner, I greatly appreciated Luke’s help and the benefit of his experience and gentle guidance as I made significant decisions about my practice. I can strongly recommend him as a coach and mentor for lawyers in general and SP’s in particular.”

Solicitor sole practitioner

“Luke provides me with something vital I can't get anywhere else - the chance to unpack and go through all my challenges, worries, fears and sometimes anger, all without being seen as weak, unstable or unfit for my leadership role. There’s no-one else I feel able to be anywhere near as honest with. Luke’s coaching sessions keep me sane!”

Managing Partner

“The focus you place on me learning more about how I tick, and all the little excuses I have for avoiding difficult tasks, has taught me so much. There’s no escaping your seachlight, Luke! But that’s exactly what I need.”


“If I’m honest, in my profession our combination of intellect and big egos means we tend to scorn the idea that anything such as coaching could be helpful for our career. I’m so pleased my colleague persuaded me to try some coaching with you, because it’s been such an eye-opener. I’ve learned some really important lessons and been able to make significant changes for the better. It also really helps that you understand the Bar!”
