I really enjoyed this course. I liked the emphasis on self-reflection and discovering my most damaging Saboteurs, but the best part was learning about the 'Sage brain' and its powers - the metaphor of the Jedi was not lost on me! Luke was a great coach who showed a great deal of empathy and compassion towards each of us as we progressed… My approach to the pressures of life has changed enormously and I already see the changes in other aspects of my life. Highly recommend it!

VA (Teacher)

“I’m very happy to recommend the PQ course and also very happy to recommend Luke as a PQ coach. It’s a great programme: interesting, actionable and practical. If you’re at all intrigued by this programme than I recommend you give it a go. The app-based approach to the programme means it really is possible to work the programme into your life, no matter how busy you are. It also means that you’ve no excuse for forgetting to do the work - something which really helps keep you accountable.

I very much enjoyed being in a group with five others. There was much strength in going through this together and in trusting each other with our progress and also our stumbles. We’ve also had plenty of laughs along the way.”

H (Civil Servant)

“Going through the programme I noticed a lot of 'noticing'. It changed the way I engage with sensory information and raised my level of self-awareness. Not the kind where you just realise your flaws, but where you notice your inner cognition and how you perceive the world around you on an ongoing basis. This programme is not a knowledge dump nor a fix, it's a workout for your brain and gives you tools to work with. The methodology is simple but the more you put in, the more you get out, and the results are profound.”

J (Business Psychologist)

“I found the PQ programme really beneficial and I will continue to use it as a lifelong practice. I find it helps me reach my full potential and leaves me much more able to shut down anxiety. I also now find myself spotting other people’s Saboteurs, which makes me more sympathetic to them than I used to be.”


“Although I thought I knew a lot about myself already, I learned from the PQ programme that I had patterns of behaviour that I would’ve preferred not to see. Once I had seen them, I was able to use the exercises to catch myself falling into these patterns and make some very helpful changes”

JM (Psychiatrist)